it's good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters, in the end ....

Sunday, March 06, 2005

oooh aay

That's exactly how I would describe my yahoo campus interviews. This is my fourth in a row...first was good ol' sybase then the painful trilogy (Am gonna takeover that company for rejecting me ..on second thoughts i wud spare them for sparing me) and then our MS. MS was a taxing interview but never did I get a feeling that I cud have performed better..
ofcourse yaho owas different ..i always got the feeling that i cud have done better if those three chunnu-munnus hadnt come or if that faux accent guy had offered me to eat at 1.45 pm or that HR lady cud give me some reason to respect her (come on with statements like " at yahoo we only hire the best!" who doesnt get pissed really)....

well few good things did emerge out of the exercise:
- Going to city became cool.. they were in some place called landmark (Allegedly a 5 star hotel) far off from campus.. three trips in the tempo (our "dhukker" <-- nagpur's nomenclature) wil lmake it easier for me to go next time.
- they asked me certain questions on my thesis that gave me good insight on how to proceed with the problem..everytime i feel i haave done a lot in it ..god sends somebody to make me realize that i have done nothing in it :))
- taught me a lesson ..when you think a question is too easy its a catch - you havent heard the corrct question.
Anyways hate to start the blog with a post mortem of not so fun event but i guess nothing except this could have provoked me enough to start writing it finally.


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