it's good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters, in the end ....

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


was just searching google to know what all services it provided ..thought of doing google search and one of the results on the first page was - site made by a bunch of google haters ...i wonder if google knows that link to this site is coming on the top..
Though the site has multiple reasons (Each in a diff link) to hate google but i guess the underlying reason is that they are afraid that google will be the all powerful guy who would be having all the information right from what clothes you are wearing to your job and other details ..and it can potentially be misused..
i feel that google till now has this immaculate reputation that is actaully getting it along and the day google does somethin to mar this reputation, the whole company will go down the drain ...and thus for its own good i guess it wouldnot indulge in doing something evil...ofcourse it would use this to maximize its profit in terms of advertisements will monopolize in this way (i can see it growing and capturing the web world already) ..but well common man would not be realyl affected by it...
i am getting too senti about google i guess :) ..need abreak


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